dimanche 8 mai 2016

Photoblogue de Ziggy / Ziggy Photoblog

Notre hommage à David Bowie a eu lieu le 7 mai et nous avons eu le grand plaisir d'y dessiner la séduisante Lou Lou la Duchesse de Rière
Our David Bowie tribute took place on May 7, and we had the huge pleasure of drawing the ziggy-licious Lou Lou la Duchesse de Rière!


"Ziggy played for time, jiving us that we were voodoo
The kid was just crass, he was the nazz
With God given ass
He took it all too far but boy could he play guitar"

Toute scintillante et glam, notre muse a offert une variété de poses inspirantes.
Wrapped in glitter and glam, our muse offered a variety of inspiring poses.

"I'm stepping through the door
And I'm floating
in a most peculiar way
And the stars look very different today"

Lou Lou, notre "Ziggy", a choisi les gagnants de nos concours. Félicitations à tous!
Lou Lou, our "Ziggy", picked our contest winners. Congrats to all!

Pour finir la séance, Lou Lou nous a présenté son numéro Ziggy Stardust!
To close the session, Lou Lou performed his Ziggy Stardust number!

Merci à tous et au plaisir de vous voir au Fringe avant la pause d'été!
Thanks to all and see you at the Fringe before our summer break!

#DavidBowie #BowieTribute #ZiggyStardust

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