jeudi 4 octobre 2007

Dr. Sketchy Dimanche 21 octobre/ Sunday october 21st

Le prochain Dr. Sketchy aura lieu le Dimanche, 21 octobre de 15h00 à 18h00. Ce sera chez la sympathique brasserie artisanale Chez Baptiste, 1045 Av. Mont-Royal Est (Métro Mont-Royal). Nous aurons un Spécial Halloween avec la sublime Jessie Von Zombie! Arrivés tôt car les places sont limitées!


The next Dr. Sketchy's will happen on Sunday, october 21st from 3pm to 6pm. Once again, we wil be at the nice local bar Chez Baptiste, 1045 Av. Mont-Royal Est (Access by Metro Mont-Royal). We'll be having an Halloween Special with the amazing Jessie Von Zombie! Come in early, space is limited!

3 commentaires:

  1. Is there a way we can reserve an advance space for the Oct 21 Dr. Sketchy session? My friend and I would really like to attend....


  2. Hello Patrick,

    For the moment, we cannot make a reservation for Dr. Skethchy's. But we are working on this option for the next ones.

    Just make sure to get there on time so you have a good place as they are limited. :-)

  3. Thanks.
    Will do and see next Sunday....
